Graffiti writer
Graffiti art, styles,
...or vandalism?
All mixed up since 1997!

When I first sprayed with a can in 1997, I didn’t even know it was called graffiti. For me, it was just another way to kill time and have some fun. I made my first lines without knowing the history of graffiti or how society viewed it. I had no idea that this first can in my hand would set the course of my life and shape me as an adult – both professionally and as a passion. Even as a kid, I loved to draw. Subconsciously, I must have always been searching for my niche, a way to express myself artistically. Graffiti fit perfectly into my rebellious teenage years – it gave me adrenaline, a bond with my peers, and a sense of uniqueness because not everyone could do what I did. There were times when graffiti was my entire life. > more...
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